Sketchbook pics and a summary of the year

Black Mirror Charlie Brooker Illustration

Martin Scorses Portrait illustration

So Christmas has been and gone and it's nearly the end of the absolute terror hole that was 2016. And I just need one more post to get through to end of this travesty of a year. So in order to do that here are two sketchbook drawings that have nothing at all to do with each other. Although I guess they both released new things recently?

Charlie Brooker first. It's old news to talk about how fantastic Black Mirror is, but it really is. And I have a particular soft spot for Charlton as reading his Screenburn column in the Guardian got me through some particular tough days while working in a car insurance call centre back when I was a freshly baked graduate with a BA in humanities. And the entire backlog is still available to read on the Guardian website here:

And then there's Marty Scorsese. A 74 year old man who consistently churns out pictures with more angry effervescence than almost any director half his age. The man has a body of work.

And then, because it's the end of the year and it's nice to round stuff out, here are my nine top rated posts on Instagram over the last twelve months:

Ryan Gajda Illustration 2016
Gotta say, I vastly underestimated the amount of love that's out there for Mr. Gibson.

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