Bill Murray Anniversary Spectacular (week two)

Bill Murray Illustration portrait
So it's week two of the Sunday Dog Parade birthday celebration and, to celebrate, here's the final portrait in the Bill Murray set. Ideally, I was going to use the recent bank holiday to create at least three new Bill Murray portraits for this week. But I accidentally spent it not doing Bill Murray portraits instead. Which might be a good thing, because maybe this is starting to get weird?

I've also reworked the design and layout of the blog a little bit. It still looks cheap and unprofessional, but hopefully not quite as cheap and unprofessional as before. The original design was a temporary placeholder I put together quickly so I could get started and stop procrastinating, I'm frankly amazed that I only had it in place for a year.

Anyway, here's the black and white scan of the Bill Murray before any digital colouring. Hopefully this can satisfy both you and me until next year.

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