How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Live with Financial Insecurity

So this is a comic I did last year that some people might have already seen on my website. It's an homage to (complete rip-off of) the American Splendor stuff that Harvey Pekar and Robert Crumb did back in the day. It stars this character I was playing with a while back called Johnny Id but he's basically a surrogate for me in this one. Which I suppose is pretty obvious. 

In other news, I just updated my website on Wednesday night. I put it up over a year ago and have made zero updates since then. It was getting embarrassing. I'm intending to give it a complete overhaul and write the code from scratch but this temporary solution will do for now. And by that I mean that the website will most likely stay exactly as it is now for at least another year. You can view it here:

I'm pretty sure that all the work there has already gone up on this blog at some point so it's probably not worth your time to make the trip. But I'm not going to tell you how to live your life.

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